Rabu, 25 April 2012

Noun Clause


A noun clause does the work of a noun in a sentence or phrase. It is a group of words containing a subject and a finite verb of its own.
Some Rules: noun clauses usually begin with words like how, why, what, where, when, who, that, which, whose, whether, etc. Also words like whoever, whenever, whatever and wherever
There are therefore just three basic types of noun clauses:
  • those that start with a question word such as where, how, who, when and why
  • those that start with whether, whatever etc or if
  • those that start with that.
·        The Puppy follows wherever the woman goes.
(Anak anjing mengikuti kemanapun wanita itu pergi.)
·        I think that the group will arrive in an hour.
(Saya pikir rombongan itu akan tiba salam satu jam.)
·        Where does Citra live?
(Dimana Citra tinggal?)

I wonder if he lives in West Sumatra.
(Saya pikir dia tinggal di Sumatra Barat.)
·        Clara, whom i met yesterday, will be my new business partner (Clara yang saya bertemu kemarin, akan menjadi mitra bisnis saya yang baru)

by febria monalisa
gunadarma university

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