Selasa, 12 Juni 2012



            A telephone is a device that transforms voices into electrical signalso that  people can communicate over lng distances. Telephone have a number of parts. On the outside of the handset there is a mouthpiece, an earpiece, and a keypad. Inside the mouthpiece is a microphone which contains a plastic disk called diaphragm. The earpice conyains a loudspeaker. People talk to each other on the telephone through the microphones in the handset. The sound of the caller’s voice causes the diaphragm to vibrate. As it vibrates, it generates an electrical signal that passes down the telephone line to the receiving telephone. When the receiving telephone gets the signals, the diaphragm in the earpiece loudspeaker also vibrates and creates the sound of the person’s voice at the other end.
          There are many different kinds of phones. Most home and offices phones have key pads and many are now portable. Mobile phones are not physically connected to a network and can be used from almost anywhere. Videophones which contain a small TV camera, gives users a chance to see each other.

Source : LKS bahasa inggris SMA XI



            A young man hurried into his town library. He went up to one of the old librarians and said to her eagerly, “Do you remember that you persuaded me to tomorrow a book about Greek history a week ago?”
          “Yes, that’s right”, answer the librarian.
          Do you remember the name of the book?” the young man asked.
          The librarian felt very pround, because she was always trying to get young people to take out books about Greek hostory and she rarely found one who was willing to accept her sugesstions.
          “Yes”, she answered. “do yoy want to take it again?” did you think that it was so interesting?”
          “No, of course not,” said the young man. “but when i was taking at home, I met a girl on yhe bus and Iwrote her telephone number on the book, and I want to telephone her”. Please, may I book at the book again?

Source : LKS SMA XI



            Is it imporant to know what your kids are watching? Of course yes. Television can expose things you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, pornography , consumerism, etc.
          A study demosntrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or bedtime oftan causes bedtime distruption, stress , and short of sleep duration.
          Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount  of time spent for watching television  during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility for being aggressive.
          Meanwhile, many studies have identified a  relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioned above, protect your children with the following tips:

  • Limit television viewing to 1-2 hours each day
  • Don’t allow your children to have a TV set in their bedrooms
  • Review the rating of TV shows that your children watch
  • Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening the show


Read this text carefully, just for fun

            One-day Nsreddin Hodja lost this donkey.
          He was looking for it anywere. While he was looking for it, he was also acting very happy. When people saw him, they couldn’t understand why he was so happy.
          And the someone asked him the reason. He told them, “I am happy because I was not riding on the donkey, Iwould be lost too”

Source : LKS bahasa inggris SMA XI


Read this text carefully, just for fun

            Nasreddin was very poor. He  didn’t have any money to buy even some fruits. He knew that  this neighbour had a large garden of fruit trees. But a high concrete fence surrounded the gareden.
            Nasreddin climbed the fence and jumped into to the garden. He climbed  up to the most fruitful tree. He picked some fruits and put them into his bag. Suddenly, someone said, “hi, sir. What are you doing there? This is my garden, don’t you know?”
            Nasreddin was afraid and ashamed. He answered, “ I’m sorry to hear that. But why do you pick my fruits?”
            “When the cyclone swept me into this garden, i lost my balance and tried to hold something. And i could only reach the fruits, “Nasreddin answered.
            “Really?” the man said. “Then why are they in your bag?” Nasreddin replied, “well, that’s what I am thinking about now. Why are they in my bag?”

Source : LKS bahasa inggris SMA XI